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CICTP 2020 Advanced Transportation, Enhanced Connection
The 20th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP 2020)
July 4-6, 2020, in Xiaan, China
Jointly organized by Changaan University and Chinese
Overseas Transportation Association
The CICTP 2020 will be held during July 4-6, 2020, in Xiaan, China, jointly organized by Changaan University and Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA). As the hosts and organizers of CICTP 2020, COTA and Changaan University are pleased to invite submissions of original research and practice from both researchers and practitioners.
At the same time, transportation research that address the needs of the "Transportation Development for Belt and Road Areas" is also very welcome. The conference will host a series of technical sessions, plenary sessions, and special forums, including the World Bank Forum, the Deans Forum, COTA Career Development Forum for Young Scholars and Students and Transportation Studies Forum for International Students in China.